Monday, August 10, 2009


Pre -swim - Nectarine
post -swim and bike - protien shake
Breakfast - Protein Oatmeal
Lunch - Spinach Blueberry Smoothie - Almonds and craisins - whole weat toast with tiny tiny smear of pbj
poolside - grapes, couple bites of apple, homemade apricot leather, 1 thin slice lean ham
Dinner - 3/4 cup chicken shrimp and vegi (left overs from last nights dinner.. I was starving from being at the pool AND whole wheat pasta with vegies and marinara sauce

After an hour at the pool this morning and 10 miles on the bike clearly I was hungry! But I kept it legal!!!

1 comment:

  1. I may not be commenting but I am sitting back admiring your determination.
    I think you are smart to go for the 10 pounds now - but realize it will all be back when you get back from Europe. It's just how it is. I wish I'd had the insight to do the pre-loss prior to our anniversary. I'm not going anywhere NEAR our scale after all that I ate!
