Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Copied from msn's home page about how to think like a skinny girl:
Add the word "halt" to your vocabulary, says Gallagher. More than just a command (as in stop eating that entire sleeve of cookies), it's an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired -- the four most common triggers for emotional eating.
If you're truly hungry, eat a balanced snack, such as a handful of nuts, to tide you over until your next meal. But if you're angry, lonely, or tired, seek an alternative, calorie-free solution to your emotional need. Blow off steam by going for a run or just jumping around - the heartbeat boost will help dissipate your anger. Lonely? Call a friend, e-mail your kid, or walk to the park or mall. Being around others will make you feel more connected to your community (even if you don't bump into anyone you know). If you're tired, for heaven's sake, sleep!

But what if you're pregnant and just really craving those peanut butter chocolate bars?