Sunday, August 1, 2010

Skinny Button and "Don't Stand so close to me"

I wish blogger or Photoshop had a skinny button. You could click on the button and it would instantly make you look skinnier. Every click would make you look 5pounds lighter. I have never looked good wet. Boating, swimming, you name it, between my somewhat but not really naturally curly hair and my round face, wet is just not my thing. My goal was to do the swim portion of the Spudman. I had a decent time of 26minutes. Looking at all the awesome athletes around me, it made me feel good that at least I was there participating. I just had a baby 7 weeks ago and I've got a weight loss plan and I'm sticking to the plan...feeling good and then I saw this photo.....

And I felt like ATilla the Hun. I didn't know if I should give up or be bound a determined to have a better photo next year. Now part of the problem is the ugly white very large t-shirt combo with the non-sport hat and glasses. BAD combination. But I had forgotten to pack anything to throw on after the swim and it was sooo hot and bright and my hair was a matted mess that I had to put on the only pair of glasses and hat that I had. To top the whole thing off I'm standing next to skinny and skinny. Jill and Laurel my OTAH team are awesome beautiful girls. They both happen to be pretty petite through the shoulders. Instead of feeling great about this accomplishment I look at this picture and I'm ashamed. I guess the truth hurts. I remember reading in a weight loss article somewhere that you need to take a good look in the mirror and really look at your body. Often when we are becoming over-weight we start to avoid mirrors and don't want to see how bad it's getting. Now if I were to go stand next to someone 80lbs overweight (there were none around I looked) and take the same picture minus the bad T hat and glasses combo, would I feel the same way? Either way I've decided I am B.A.D. Bound and Determined to have a better photo next year. Better swim time. And better feeling about me no matter who I'm standing next to.

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