Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In wk3

Goal 15 Actual 17.
That's only 2lbs this week. Which is ok but I was hoping for more. This was a hard week for the food plan. My late night snacker sugar monster has returned and when I'm up with Noah at 1am and 4am I have NO will power. I actually duck taped the cookie jar last night so I would stay out of it.
I am pushing hard to do 3lbs this next week. I need to stay true to my food plan and increase my exercise (which has been major slacking).
Wishing you Healthy and Happy!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

  1. You are WAY too funny! I love love love your posts! Please don't ever stop!

    So sorry I've been the planet lately! Lost my phone...found I need to charge it! Let's play soon....lunch? I'll go healthy just for you!! :)

    Love ya girl!
