Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is NOT a New Years Resolution and it's NOT a diet

It's a life.  My life.  My boss has a saying that he uses when people ask how he is; his response is "living the dream"  I've thought about this a lot.  I am so blessed. Yes I have had, and do have a decent set of challenges but over-all I am 'living my dream'  SO why am i so stressed out of my gourd?  Why am I not swinging from the rafters with glee?  My quest is to find my Zen, my happy place, my place of peace, my groove, whatever you would like to call it.

The physical, spiritual and emotional.  Let's start with the physical because it is easily visible to me, and it's not where I feel good about it.  I asked  Brian the other day how we can put fitness and activity and eating right into our lives for a short time but it doesn't seem to last?  Something happens; I get sick, my kids get sick, I have a big project due at work, and suddenly my priorities shift and I'm no longer getting up at 5 am to work-out, I'm drinking lots more diet-coke and eating chocolate doughnuts on the run. His answer was I believe genius.  In Spite Of.  You do the healthy things In Spite Of the all of the things.  I'm going to try this on for size.  In Spite Of anything that happens tonight, the kids get out of bed, Remy is poopy, Noah needing a bottle, whatever.  I WILL get up and make it to my 5:30am gym class.  I am going to call it my ISO I WILL strategy.


  1. Quote from TRON Legacy: Jeff Bridges character to his son "You're messing with my Zen thing, Man!"
    If you haven't taken Master to see it yet, I will. But I love that line. This one has me thinking, and I've thought on this topic a lot. I do know that we are not alone. I was watching Biggest Loser last night (BTW, I just found out that one of the contestants this season works out at my new gym), and they were showing flashbacks from past BL. And I thought, I know that at least 1/2 to 75% of those contestants has gained their weight back. So, why don't we stick with it. Life gets in the way. Yes, Brian is right, you have to do it (working out, eating right,etc) IN SPITE of it all. I get that. It's the consistency that I'm still trying to figure out. Till then, I'm telling those things that are getting in the way "you're messing with my Zen thing, Man!"

  2. it's the journey not the destination, right? we're all working towards something. you're not alone...don't be hard on yourself. i think you look fab btw. got something coming up next week on the ol' blog - hopefully it might help a little... :) hope that class kicked your tail this morning! ;)
