Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello again Hello..

I think this is a Neil Diamond song. But I have GoT to stop visiting this number on the scale. I am not obsessed with the scale but the scale does not lie. I have 25lbs to loose (Holidays were not nice to me). I've been working my plan for a couple of weeks now and I've only lost 2 of the 25. That kinda sucks! BUT. I do know this every time I start to hit the work out HARD my body freaks out for a good month and will NOT shed the pounds. That being said I actually don't expect the scale to move for another 2 weeks. Spin tomorrow! Go Strong!
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  1. You go girl! Good to hear when you start to work out your body doesn't shed lbs. I have doubled my work out time since mid December and I think I have only gained weight. I keep saying it is muscle!! Seriously - all you skinny people that don't do anything - I want to be you in my next life!

  2. at least you know how your body works! i'm changing up the whole eating plan for 3 weeks to see if makes a difference. it's already hard and it's day 2. holy smokes...

    and uh yeah - of course that's a neil diamond song... :)
