Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Never, never, never, give up

I was bugged at myself all night long.  I finish what I start, and I do that which I say I will do.  Disregard that last post.  Game is still on.  I am re-vamping my gotta wanna forward list today.  If you want to stay on the list email me back or leave me a comment.  You can play or not depending on what your given week is like.  You don't need to worry about being the low points for the week, I have some sheer white whitening kits and i-tunes gift cards to use as prizes.  Last week my week started great and then when straight down-hill.  My point total for the week was 207.  And man I felt it Monday and Tuesday....I felt like sludge.  I don't have time to feel like sludge.  I was up and on the spin bike this morning and it felt great.  I already have more energy.
Have a great day!!!


  1. YOU go girl! I was so happy to see this post! I know you are NOT a quitter despite all the food glorious food EVERYWHERE!! :) Way to go on the bike this morning! I need to do something....

  2. I'm still in...mega dittos to "You go girl!"

  3. I'm still in, even though I'm not doing anything :) I just appreciate my sister doing such a worthy cause, so I like to keep up on the game.
