Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Motivation Monday for week #3

Ya I know it's Tuesday 11:15 pm.  That's how I roll sometimes.
What do you call your mom's cousin to you?  She's technically not your Aunt, she's a second cousin?  A cousin once removed?   Her (this cousin of mine) her oldest grandson (she is actually old enough to have a grandson which comes as a shock to her and those that meet her) He, (Tyler - I think) at the last reunion said, we are part of his "spread-out family".  I could give you a bio on her, but I would be typing for a very, very, VERY long time.  So this is the part you need to know.  She has successfully raised and managed 6 AWESOME - over-achiever kids and one GREAT husband. She has an energy for life that is contagious.  She is one of the luckiest people I know.  BUT I also know behind all that luck is a whole lot of hard work and an amazing amount of positive attitude.  If you read my bluchippy blog you also will note she is the one responsible for the "get a man to help you by wearing a skirt technique".  Without further ado...the famous Janette......

Melanie’s invitation to join the “Fab and Fit Club” was an answer to my prayers.  I have been praying that Heavenly Father would give me the strength to be more physically and spiritually fit.  When you get older…you still need to be ‘fit’ in all ways.  I always had a goal to eat more veggies, drink more water (and not diet coke) but it was always ‘tomorrow’.   I do know that when I read the scriptures daily I feel closer to God and more in tune to receive inspiration but by the end of the day, it can be too easy to just crash into bed or watch a comedy TV show like my favorite ‘Frasier’! 

I took the “Fab and Fit” challenge to help me reach these goals and I’m happy to say that have done my scripture reading every night and it feels great! I can’t wait to open my scriptures but I had to buy a book light so I wouldn’t wake my husband.  We have been taught for years that daily scripture reading will bring us joy and we have to have faith that Jesus knew what he was talking about.  It is interesting to note that physiologically, what we feed our brain and body plays a big part in who we are…whether its food, good reading material, exercise, etc.  There is a book called “Change your Brain Change Your Body” by Daniel Amen, (go figure) M.D.  I highly recommend it…it is fascinating.  Basically, when we keep the commandments like keeping the word of wisdom (not going too fast, eating right, etc.), our brains function at their optimum and things start to ‘click’ physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.  So…way to go for wanting to be “Fab and Fit”…your brain is already working well!

PS…Mega kudos to whoever thought up the “sweets only in one sitting”!  Now instead of eating sweets all day, I see a sweet and think that something better will come along but soon it’s after 8pm and I end up not eating sweets all day!  I find the less I eat sweets, the less I want them…and its make me feel so good!  My daily goal is to give up coke and I’ve done it for these two weeks.  It’s true…you have more energy when you DON’T drink it!

  1. For a switch up in scripture reading, go to the library and get children’s scripture stories…they are fun to read and make the scriptures easy to understand. 
  2. Use Stevia instead of sugar or aspartame (which is in diet coke and is banned in many countries because it can destroy brain cells).  Add it to water with some lemon and you have a refreshing drink!  

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