Monday, September 28, 2009


16 miles on the bike and 30 minute swim which included 350 meters in 8:30 But I'm still chubby and yes folks the scale has gone UP! I had perfect workouts everyday last week and the scale has gone up. Now I know muscle weighs more than fat BUT the pants are not slipping off which is what usually happens when I develop muscle. Frickin FRACKER!!! AND to top it off I am my sisters excuse for not working out. Why workout if you're going to gain weight? I totally agree BUT ... I could be retaining water from both workouts this morning (i did weigh right after swimming and my mass of hair was wet) and those chocolate cake balls I ate last night, well those probably didn't help, and oh yea the 4 oreos and milk I had at 4:30 this morning when Remy kicked me out of bed, those didn't help either. I am really trying to make better food choices and drink more water, but clearly I need to do better. Back to the food journal. Jillian says record everything you eat. The food journal is my goal this week. I will put in a plug for the exercise benefits of well-being. I have to say emotionally I felt good all of last week and I know my heart and lungs are stronger. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women and today folks, my HEART emotionally and physically is stronger! (so take that you stupid scale!!!)


  1. Just to clarify - you are my real motivation - and my good motivation. Not only would I be THRILLED to be as skinny as your "chubby" self but you can do things with your kids that I currently can not - hikes, climbs, outdoor activities that don't get you winded and tired. Your real sucecss will be for you to keep going even when the scale says crazy things and your jeans don't behave. My real success will be starting to exercise in any form and staying at it for more than 30 days. Keep in mind that listing your story as an excuse was only so that I ddn't have to type that I am lazy :-) And you were in good company - my other mighty find excuses included: people get hurt exercising - and I stink during and after. Not to mention how long it takes to fix my hair afterwards. See - all very fine, legitimate excuses ;-)...... Stay strong. When I list out all the benefits of why I want to change (meaning actually exercise)- I am not going to list "feeling good and a sense of well-being" or weight loss - because at this point, I am not convince in my heart of hearts that those outcomes will happen - however, I do know that I will become stronger - and that will improve my time with my kids and hubby - and that's what's important. SO, kudos to you - for doing the right thing - keep it up!!

  2. I think that we may be succumbing to our age!
    I know my scale went up 10 pounds this summer as I weaned my baby - no more nursing calories doing the slow burn.....
    Let me know when you figure out the secret because, I too feel like I am more aware of my eating than ever (I've never been a diet person) and I am more committed to my exercise than ever and yet I maintain, or rather lose/gain/lose/gain. Blast it!
    But I totally agree that despite the jeans being snug - I feel better all day long if my day begins with a little sweat!
