Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Long Haul

Weigh-in Wednesday
Bad news - no weight loss this week
Good news - 3 pairs of work slacks that didn't fit last week fit this week!

I'm bummed about the no loss situation but excited about the pants fitting. I need to adjust three things for next week, and I think I can get the scale to move.
1. Start drinking early. I know I sound like an alcoholic but I'm talking about water. If I start downing it early in the day it helps with cravings etc.
2. Get ALL the Damn treats out of the house. Sorry kids. But I can't seem to control the late night snacker. Sooo if the only option is healthy stuff at 2am so be it.
3. Increase activity. Brian was traveling last week and again this week and I use that as an excuse to not exercise.
NO more!
I'm on it Blue Bonnet!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

  1. The weeks when the scale doesn't move are when you want to start drinking early and heavily. :-) I guess we know a bit about that from days gone by. Keep after it! I keep telling myself it's a lifestyle change, made through small and simple changes. And while we may not be perfect in all ways and at all times, its the trend line that counts.
