Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where have I been since then...

Ok I'm back..If you are getting this post via email it's because I value you in my life and hopefully you will help keep me accountable. ...I realized my last post was on 7.11.11.  Whoa what happened to me? = life
Summary: Spudman was great.  I finished in just under three hours.  My goal for this year is to 'bury' that time. Not sure what that number is but I will figure it out.
I spent Aug-December gaining and loosing the same DANG 5lbs.  August and September I focused on biking and running the result was I did increase my average mph but my hip and bum started freaking out = alignment issues causing nerve and muscle spasms.  Begin stalking stage:  I promise I'm not a true stalker, but I kept running into this same girl. Darling, cute, petite, in awesome shape, girl. I figured out I had taken a few classes with her at Golds gym a few years ago, she is married to one of my dental clients, she has a child in kindergarten with my child, I would see her at the grocery store and pass her jogging on the road.  Finally, I thought OK she looks stinking HOT whatever she is 'doing' is working for her.  After a  few phone calls (I have my sources) I figured out her phone number.  I called and via a long introduction told her who I was, then told her she looked HOT and I wanted to know her secret. Lucky for me she was flattered and not freaked out.
She introduced me to Ryan at IMFIT.
He and his darling wife own a personal fitness gym in Layton.  After my first couple work-outs I couldn't walk nor could I raise my arms above my head.  Starting at the end of October meant sticking to a 'clean' diet and cardio and lifting routine throughout the holidays.  I did ok I didn't do great.  Brian decided to join me and we are making long term changes at our house.  Changes are happening slow but sure.  I'm measuring in a week and I will give you the status update.


  1. Right on friend!!! 90% of weight loss is in your eating (plus or minus a few percent)! I want to be updated and hear of your success! I will be your cheerleader! You already look great but you will look awesome and FEEL even better - just in time for swim suit season. Kudos to starting during the yummiest food time of the year! Not many super delicious whole wheat sugar free treats! Hooray for you and hubby! You are totally going to kill you spud man time when you are fit!

  2. You are always so good about food and exercise. Seriously! I know you will have the success you want and am proud of you "putting it out there".
    You will have to share some of your clean diet tips and what cardio/lifting routines are helping - though I still live in the "exercise so I can eat what I want" stage but am realizing that I may be getting too old for that and may have to revise that plan :(
