Friday, July 23, 2010

A weighty question

To weigh or Not to weigh...that is the question. If I'm going to give up sugar, diet coke, chocolate and all that...I pretty much want instant results. In this part of my journey I would like to not only take the baby weight off (plus a little extra) but also change the habits that put on sooo much baby weight and the little extra. I do believe our bodies are temples and I want to feel good inside this temple. I want to live a long healthy life and I want to feel strong. lalala so does everyone else I know. Back to my bad habits... In the past when I weigh myself and the scale is not what I expect, I get frustrated. When I feel that frustration I want to give up and go have an Oreo because OBVIOUSLY my efforts are not paying off.. or are they? Or have I deceived myself thinking my efforts were enough to get me where I wanted to be? I am considering either weighing myself once a week or not weighing myself until I reach the end of my 4 weeks. What do you think?


  1. Weigh yourself each week at the same time of the day. If the scale goes up - hopefully that is a motivator to stick with it - if the scale goes down - you can hip hip hooray and have motivation to continue!

  2. I forgot that you had this blog, and the only update I've received was for this post. So, I dunno. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. The scale is a tool. It is one metric that we use to judge our fitness. BUT only 1. There are others such as: body fat %, how our clothes fit and feel, can I walk up stairs without getting winded, can I run a mile, or two or 10. You know me and my spreadsheets - I like my numbers. Same for me, they serve as a motivation when I'm losing, and piss me off when I don't. I have had many, many, many different occasions while trying to lose weight where a bad number on the scale basically de-railed me. We have to overcome that. Focus on the other factors. Sometimes I have just had to say: Well, I'm going to keep exercising, and if the weight doesn't come off, then at least I'll be overall health will be better because I'm working out and eating right. Losing weight is a complex process, especially for women. Poor nurse at MD diet the other day commented after I'd reeled off 10lbs, that she was doing the week cleanse, and hadn't lost a thing. My first thought was, "well, are you working out, what's your workout like?" (but we were done with my app, so I didn't ask. To me, from now on, when the scale doesn't budge, we go on. Maybe we tweak the diet, the workout, the rest, the routine, BUT WE DON'T GIVE UP.
    Soapbox off.
