Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I wann be like you.....

So this is my shout out to those I want to be like, because you're doing fabulous work, and look fantastic either via really great genes or working your butt off... Tiff, (29 weeks prego and only gained 14 pounds). Kath,because you're running your butt off and I've never seen you look better. Min, because you've loosing it baby and sticking to your plan. Nat because you go to the gym with me and even though you complain you need an intervention, you have these skinny arms, skinny waist and legs. Katie because you're a buff little thing and I would kill for your pant size. Jenny, Kim and the dozen other girls in my neighborhood, not sure what you do but you look great. FOR THOSE WHO MAY READ THIS. KEEP ME ACCOUNTABLE. BELIEVE IT OR NOT I CAN DO THIS.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out - but I still have a bunch of jeans that laugh at me when I even look in their direction - and they are not pre-baby jeans. So I've looked better - but I will admit that though I may have looked better, I have never felt better. I've finally become content with what I have to work with. My abs will never be rock hard and I will always have a bit of a saddlebag. I've wasted too long wishing for something that is not within my control to change.
    You look amazing - you always have. The scale is not who you are. You are confident and beautiful and talented and, yes, even skinny. I promise!
