Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Do you think skinny people eat?

I've been doing this 500 calorie a day diet since Sunday and I am down 8.2 pounds. 27.8 to go! Wahoo. I'm not hungry, just stinking tired. I realize I use sugar and caffeine a lot to push through the to-do list. I've come to the conclusion that some are blessed with fast metabolism - good genes..whatever, the rest of the skinny people eat very little and for sure avoid the crap. When this is done can I stick to small portions? Am I strong enough to stay away from the crap for good?

1 comment:

  1. Hey there - I just saw the link on your personal blog and took a peek!
    You know I'm in your fan club and support you in the things you do - but 500 calories/day is NOT HEALTHY! You know the results will only be short term and your could be doing more damage than good.
    Shutting down your metabolism is not what you want. Rich lost a ton of weight by INCREASING his calories (healthy calories) which boosted his metabolism. That is what you want.
    Just think about it.
    Forgive me for my first comment being a criticism, but I love you too much to encourage something that is not good.
    Still friends?
