Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Say Good-bye to Love

Admissions: I had chocolate covered Almonds and Pepsie for breakfast. It tasted great! So why does it have to be so bad for you? In the spirit of support (since it was my big idea for her) I am starting the HCG diet with my sister. The idea is you use this hormone to get the weight of fast with a very low calorie diet and then start exercising and resume a normal healthy diet (that doesn't include choc covered almonds and pepsie...On this diet you can have 2 portions of chicken or fish. Green salad vegies. 2 pieces of fruit (apple, orange, strawberries)and two pieces of melba toast. OOOH yum. I am starting either tomorrow or friday. You get two days of eating all the fatty, sugary stuff you can find and then say adios to all my favorites. Most people drop .8lbs per day. Duration is 40 days. If I drop 32 pounds I will be doing flips. 40 days if you cheat it undoes three days worth of effort. 40 days of being really good. Followed by three weeks of no starches and sugars. So the next time I see any carbonation or chocolate will be 60 plus days from now.

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