Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Skinny vs. Healthy

I know I missed last weeks weigh in and none of you called me on it!!!! Thanks for nothing. What are you wrapped up in your own lives? It's ok I completely understand. I have been thinking lately about skinny vs. healthy. My whole ENTIRE life I've been aware of my weight. (gotta love the genes) I secretly hated and still kinda do those people that can eat anything and not gain weight. In Jr. High and High school especially I thought this just isn't fair...Wa_la welcome to your 30's and some of those super skinny eat anything you want in High School girls are not so super skinny. (Evil laugh enter here). I know I'm awful but I'm honest. However there exists still that gene pool that can (even in their 30's) eat whatever in the hell they want to. So UNFair... BUT BUT BUT. I have decided after an experience last week that just because they can have ice cream for breakfast, they never have to worry about their clothes fitting it does NOT mean they FEEL GOOD. They feel like crap! (At least the one I spoke to). As my friend Amy says Eat to Fuel not to Feel better. MY problemo is that for so long the sugar yeast bugs living in my body have convinced my brain that I can get more done if I had a little diet coke on board or that the ice-cream or chocolate bar or yummy warm bread is going to make me FEEL better and after busting my butt I 'deserve' to feel better. HELLO PRIDE. I don't deserve anything. God has given me this body as a gift and I need to take care of it. Saturday I pretty much had a free day which ended with some of Brian's homemade popcorn. By Sunday morning I felt like crap and then by the time I starved through church I came home and ate more comfort food. WHEN WILL I EVER LEARN!!!
I had a crazy day today and I actually avoided a doughnut at Bomans and it feels so good tonight to know I DID it. I was in the middle of screaming children and I did not give into temptation. While blog surfing tonight I was reading Tiffany's blog and she linked to her friend's blog where they have a contest going where not only do you get points for working out and eating right but for praying and reading the scriptures! What the ???? And then it hit me. Brilliant!!! If I really want to re-charge my batteries to have more energy to get more done. Diet Coke is not the answer. I need to 'go to the well'. My prayers are good but my scripture study has STUNK lately. SO game on! If you want the link let me know. I'm too tired right now to find it. Before I sign off BIG SHOUT OUT to Tiff for being within 6lbs of her goal weight!!! YOU ROCK SISTA!

1 comment:

  1. So now that I know you would like to be held accountable - I will help you out! Love your posts. I know you feel better when you eat right, but you also feel better when you don't have a fat roll hanging over your waste band. Keep up the good work. Have you taken your measurements? Some weeks when you only lose a pound - check your measurements because muscle weighs more than fat and you may lose inches. Love ya tons!
