Monday, November 30, 2009

Damn the Nausea

Welcome back, if you're new to receiving this email, it's sent from my fitness blog. I need you people to keep me accountable. I have decided ignorance is bliss and I am officially ignoring the scale during this pregnancy. HOWEVER that is not a permission slip to gain a 100 pounds.

When you are fighting the nausea 24/7 and awake every hour to potty or put a child back in bed...working out at 5am isn't working. The funny part about this nausea is that when I'm working out I feel good, it's just before and after I feel like crap. EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES. Am I really that wimpy of a girl? I have got to man up, or something, because I need to keep moving EVERY SINGLE DAY! If you caught the 'where are they now' episode of biggest looser last Wednesday I was hit hard by Eric's story. The stud of the EARTH gained it ALL back!!! He is determined to not let his story end this way and to get back in the ring and keep fighting. At some level we all have those little demons in our lives that we have to just keep fighting, defeat is not an option!

So you my friends you need to shout out if you haven't heard from this little blog every couple of days...NO MORE EXCUSES!

I did bfl run on the treadmill and stretch after today. If I crank the 'disturbia' 'pump it' and other such songs it tends to make me forget about the nausea, headaches and sleep deprivation.

1 comment:

  1. Friend - cut yourself some slack. It sucks to be (first of all) pregnant, let alone sick with it. Then to try to exercise on top of it! For me - pregnancy 1: so sick, ate McDondalds everyday and gained 60 lbs. Pregnancy 2: tried to exercise through my sickness, ate healthy and couldn't drink Diet Coke (because I would throw it up) and still gained 60 lbs. Pregnancy 3: still sick, didn't exercise, still couldn't drink diet coke, ate whatever/whenever and still gained 60 lbs. Just do what you can and make up for it when the baby is here! Love ya!
